eCommerce Projects

Whether you're launching a new eCommerce site or enhancing an existing one, Aonach provides the expertise to ensure your project's success.

Our comprehensive services cover every aspect of eCommerce development, tailored to meet your unique business needs.

We have been working with Magento since 2009 and our first Magento customer is still working with us. We are specialists and we only work with Magento, which gives us deep knowledge of eCommerce and out platform of choice.
Magento eCommerce Projects

New Site Design & Development

We can work with you to design and develop a new eCommerce site for your business from scratch. We will take the time to understand your business and deliver a site that is tailored to your needs and optimised for your customers. To deliver your project successfully we have a simple process that includes:
  1. Discovery
    To deliver a website that meets your needs and exceeds expectations, our Discovery phase is crucial. We engage deeply with your team to understand your vision, goals, and requirements. This phase is all about gathering comprehensive insights to inform the subsequent stages of your project.
  2. Design & UX
    Our discovery phase lays the foundation for exceptional Design and UX prototyping. Leveraging insights gained, our design team meticulously maps out strategies for key pages, ensuring every layout aligns with your brand vision and user expectations. We prioritise a collaborative approach, involving your team at every step to ensure alignment and satisfaction.
  3. Development
    With a solid foundation laid during the Discovery and Design phases, our Development phase brings your vision to life using the power & flexibility of the Magento platform. Our skilled developers turn concepts into a functional, robust, and scalable online store, ensuring every feature is tailored to meet your business needs.
  4. Quality Assurance
    Our continuous QA and Test is critical to ensure your site ready for launch. Our thorough and meticulous testing process guarantees that your site functions flawlessly, providing an optimal user experience and maintaining the highest standards of quality and performance.
  5. Maintenance
    Once your site is delivered we can provide you with a premium support experience to ensure your site runs smoothly and as expected into the future.

Systems Integration

Streamlining repetitive processes is important to creating a scalable eCommerce infrastructure.  Enhancing your back-office efficiency is crucial for the seamless operation of your site. Our Systems Integration services connect Magento with your existing systems to boost productivity and reduce human error.
  1. ERP Integration
    Synchronising your Magento store with your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to ensure real-time data exchange, streamline inventory management, and enhance order processing.
  2. Accounting System Integration
    Automating financial processes by integrating with your accounting software, providing accurate financial data, and simplifying bookkeeping tasks.
  3. Logistics and Fulfilment Integration
    Streamlining your supply chain by integrating with logistics providers, enabling real-time tracking, automated shipping, and efficient order fulfilment.
  4. CRM Integration
    Enhancing customer relationship management by integrating with your CRM system, allowing for a 360-degree view of customer interactions and improved customer service.
  5. Marketing Automation Integration
    Connecting with marketing automation tools to create personalised marketing campaigns, track customer behaviour, and drive conversions.

Magento Upgrades

Keeping your Magento eCommerce platform up-to-date is essential for maintaining security, performance, and access to the latest features. Our Magento Upgrade Service ensures a smooth transition to the latest version, minimizing downtime and maximizing the benefits of new functionalities and improvements.
  1. Assessment and Planning
    Conducting a thorough analysis of your current Magento setup to identify potential challenges and create a detailed upgrade plan tailored to your specific needs.
  2. Data Migration
    Ensuring seamless migration of all your data, including products, customer information, orders, and configurations, with no data loss and minimal disruption.
  3. Extension and Theme Compatibility
    Evaluating and updating your existing extensions and themes to ensure compatibility with the latest Magento version, or finding suitable alternatives if necessary.
  4. Custom Code Adaptation
    Modifying any custom code to align with the new version's architecture and best practices, ensuring all custom functionalities continue to work smoothly.
  5. Extension and Theme Compatibility
    Evaluating and updating your existing extensions and themes to ensure compatibility with the latest Magento version, or finding suitable alternatives if necessary.

Take control of Magento

Unlock your business's full potential and accelerate your e-commerce growth.